Use "discredit|discredits" in a sentence

1. This new evidence discredits earlier findings.

2. He's just trying to discredit me.

3. They're trying to discredit you.

4. She brought the whole system into discredit.

5. He is a discredit to his family.

6. Destroy him or discredit him immediately.

7. Violent fans bring discredit on their teams.

8. There was good reason to discredit the witness.

9. They made an effort to discredit the politician.

10. Such behavior can only reflect discredit upon you.

11. Antonyms for Avouches include denies, gainsays, abandons, asks, condemns, deserts, disavows, disclaims, discredits and disputes

12. They were a discredit to their country.

13. Their behaviour has bought discredit on English football.

14. That boy is a discredit to his family.

15. His selfish decision is greatly to his discredit.

16. Such looseness throws discredit on the whole work.

17. They spread disinformation in order to discredit politicians.

18. Agents provocateurs may seek to discredit the opposition.

19. The police, to their discredit, arrived too late.

20. By telling lies he brought discredit upon Parliament.

21. The photos were deliberately taken to discredit the President.

22. There is no reason to discredit what she says.

23. My brother's behaviour did great discredit to the family.

24. Britain, to its discredit, did not speak out against these atrocities.

25. As a result, the teaching of creationism actually discredits the Bible, making it appear unreasonable and inaccurate.

26. The behaviour of fans has brought discredit on English football.

27. Violent football fans bring discredit on the teams they support.

28. If there is any discredit, you bring it upon yourself.

29. 6 synonyms for Confute: belie, discredit, disprove, rebut, refute, disprove

30. It does us great discredit to treat foreigners so badly.

31. To his discredit, he knew about the problem but said nothing.

32. The findings of the report threw discredit on the protesters' claims.

33. Even prominent clergymen have made public statements that discredit the Bible.

34. 46 synonyms for Belittle: run down, dismiss, diminish, put down, underestimate, discredit, ridicule

35. Your failure reflects no discredit upon you—you did your best.

36. That guy is a discredit to his family and relatives and friends.

37. He had to discredit every word you ever said about your father.

38. Britain, to its discredit(, did not speak out against these atrocities.

39. Sun's party quickly began to publish literature about Chen to discredit him.

40. One should discredit a good deal of what is printed in newspapers.

41. This impoverishing definition is even easier to discredit than the monetarist description.

42. Tis less discredit to abridge petty charges, than to stoop to petty gettings.

43. Vulnerable to danger especially of discredit or suspicion Familiarity information: Compromising used as …

44. "Animalizing humans" to discredit and dehumanize them falsifies who animals are

45. His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged when he was charged with libel.

46. Calculated attempt • It was not defensive, but a Calculated attempt to discredit Lloyd George

47. However, the theme of attempting to discredit the woman in the witness box continues.

48. Mark, in a preemptive strike, went on the attack to discredit her with Charles.

49. In 1927, Stalin started using the GPU (Soviet secret police) to infiltrate and discredit the opposition.

50. Amulek testifies of the Son of God and overcomes Zeezrom’s attempts to discredit his word

51. I need you to find something for me to use to discredit him with the Graysons.

52. To discredit Picquart, Esterhazy sent, without effect, letters of complaint to the president of the republic.

53. The teacher encouraged the children to behave well and not to be a discredit to the collective.

54. He has tried to discredit the legality of parliament's inquiry, largely by concentrating on minor technical issues.

55. There were reports that his campaign team had been trying to dig up information that might discredit his rival.

56. In such wise, Douglas labored to Befog and discredit the issues for which the new party stood

57. Muslim anger turned against bin Laden , accusing him even of being a Zionist agent sent to discredit Islam .

58. There is argument amongst historians as to whether this was an invention to discredit Lysander after his death.

59. She's refuting claims that she thinks the famous topless photos were a Palace plot to discredit the Duchess.

60. Accommodationist (plural Accommodationists) someone who accommodates an opposition and compromises their own stance in attempt to discredit their opposition

61. Discredit occurs only when an otherwise amiable pastime is perverted by the destruction of many books to glorify one.

62. (used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign Familiarity information: Calumnious used as an adjective is very rare.

63. But he was right about Mr Wright, whose venality did cast discredit on the House and who deserved to go.

64. The Vietnamese government previously used tax evasion charges to discredit and deter prominent blogger Nguyen Van Hai (Dieu Cay) in 2008.

65. Not only does it discredit traditional replication techniques, it also steers the organization toward less costly ways of achieving its ends.

66. This is not to discredit the idea that a Coarsest revolve without sushis is truly a glove of loosest taxis

67. So when discussing a matter, try not to come across as a prosecuting attorney who is out to discredit a witness in court.

68. Does he use crafty, underhanded methods, perhaps spreading rumors and lies to discredit others as a means of advancing his own ambitions?

69. Calumnious - (used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign calumniatory , defamatory , denigrating , denigrative , denigratory , libellous , libelous , slanderous

70. No, it's in the middle of an international crisis... where Iran is looking for a way to discredit the United States.

71. Results discredit the claim that Puerto Ricans are "Alingual" or "semilingual" and suggest that Spanish and English are intact

72. Apostates like Jacob *Brafman, however, did much to bring discredit on the institutions of Jewish self-government and to provide fuel for antisemitism

73. Southampton prepared a case for executing Somerset, aiming to discredit Warwick through Somerset's statements that he had done all with Warwick's co-operation.

74. Maitland claimed that Chastelard's ardour was feigned, and that he was part of a Huguenot plot to discredit Mary by tarnishing her reputation.

75. 3 Sylvia does not get on with the supervisor and the danger is that he will trump up some charge to discredit her.

76. The Breeder should not make accusations, bad mouth, or try to discredit other Breeders to try to make themselves look better to the buyer

77. Robert Lanza and Deepak Chopra (just the fact that he is associated with it should discredit it right there) have been peddling this bizarre notion of Biocentrism, …

78. Or were conservative US anti-abortionists justified in sending actors with a false story into the offices of Planned Parenthood in order to discredit their opponents?

79. That it is intended as a kind of joke to, in many ways, discredit the idea of the just city or at least to indicate its extreme implausibility.

80. Origins: A time-honored ploy in the political arena has been to discredit your opponents (and their ideas) by demonizing them, by associating them with ... well, demons.